Want Dessert? Give Caramel Toffee Puerh a Try Instead
Posted by Dani Noto on

I confess...I’m usually the first one in line for something sweet after dinner. Whether I enjoy something right after my meal or wait a bit and have something a little later in the evening, that sweet flavor is the perfect way to end my meal or day. So who’s with me on this?
Now add in the holidays and all the fabulous treats we get to sample this time of year...think Christmas cookies...and it can play havoc on our waistlines. They say the average weight gain during the holidays is ten pounds...yikes...that’s a lot of cookies and treats.
My litmus test for how my weight is doing (my scale broke, and I never replaced it) is how my pants fit. Elastic waist, leggings, yoga or sweat pants, and scrubs don’t count. They just expand with you...ask me how I know this...sigh. The pants have to have a set in the waist with a button or snap. If I find my pants are tight, I know I need to cut back.
So what I’ve found that helps when I really want something sweet is to have a dessert tea.

Dessert teas are delicious enough to curb my sweet tooth with no extra calories. Bonus! My newest favorite is Caramel Toffee Puerh. This tea is so smooth and delicious. The flavor of caramel and a buttery toffee finish make this tea a delightful finish to a meal or day. And since there’s no guilt involved with this tea or any of my Dessert Teas, I never feel bad indulging. Yes, I will admit to frequently enjoying Heavenly Hazelnut Black Tea with its mini chocolate chips with my breakfast and Chocolate Covered Strawberries Black Tea in the afternoon. Dessert teas aren’t only for dessert. Any time of day works.
The additional benefit of my new Caramel Toffee Puerh is that it is a Puerh. Pu-erh tea, pronounced poo-air, also comes from the same plant (Camellia sinensis) as all the other teas. Puerh tea is aged and naturally fermented, so it has high concentrations of polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids. Also, because of the aging process, it has natural probiotics. As a side note, Puerh also contains caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, this tea may be better drunk earlier in the day.
Puerh also boasts numerous other health benefits. Here are just a few:
- Weight and fat loss
- Digestive aid
- Diabetes maintenance and prevention
- Cardiovascular wellness
- Antioxidants
- Skin health
- Increased focus and cognitive health
- Bone health.
I hope you’ll enjoy this new tea as much as I do.