It's Time for a Garden Tea Party
Posted by Dani Noto on

As summer starts winding down, I think it's time for a Garden Tea Party. What better way to celebrate the end of a beautiful summer season than having an outdoor tea party with good friends.
We're going to enjoy some excellent iced teas and a pot or two of hot tea for a few ladies who prefer their teas hot. And then there are scones and lemon curd, savory tea sandwiches and sweets, bite-size desserts and treats, and a few other goodies. It's a time to enjoy each other's company, laugh, and celebrate friendship.
I've found I like fussing a little bit with fun table decorations like a pretty table cloth and some fresh flowers. I'm not one of those lucky people like my friend Sue who can throw a bunch of mish-mashes together, and it looks fantastic. I have to work a bit harder, but I don't mind since I only do the Summer Garden Tea Party once a year and it's just for my friends. I refuse to stress about it and think it has to be "perfect". It's supposed to just be fun. I will even confess to having Sue, on occasion, help me put the table decorations together. She loves doing it, and it frees me up to do the food.
If you're hesitating to have a tea party or casual tea get-together because you think everything has to be perfect, and it's just too much work, I'm here to tell you that's not so. Good friends don't care if your house is immaculate and if you've brought out the silver. They just want to enjoy your company, drink good tea and eat fun food.
I hope you take the time to enjoy the warm days and good friends before the weather starts cooling off.