Back to School Tea Tool Kit
Posted by Dani Noto on

I can't believe it's back to school time already! The summer just has flown by. I want to give a big shout-out to all the hard-working teachers, principals, counselors, administrators, bus drivers, and support staff. Their jobs require such commitment and dedication as they help educate, inspire and impact a whole new generation. I'm so proud to say my husband is one of these special people, as is my daughter-in-law Sarah, and Molly, who helps me in the store when she's not teaching. Honestly, I couldn't do their jobs, but their students are lucky to have them.
So I've dedicated the following two newsletters to you! But even if you are not surrounded by students but rather returning to the office or in a job where you deal with the public, these teas can also benefit you.
Immune System Supporting Teas
Both of my go-to immune system supporting teas are Ayurvedic blends. Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit roots "āyus" meaning life or longevity, and "veda" meaning knowledge. Which translates to "knowledge of life and/or longevity." Ayurvedic blends originated in India, just like my Organic Assam!
My Cold Season Ayurvedic blend is designed with colds and allergies in mind. This herbal tea includes a mix of ginger pieces, cardamom, lemongrass, black pepper, basil, caraway seeds, licorice, orange peel, parsley, peppermint, valerian root, cloves, cinnamon, and oregano. It helps to boost the immune system to keep you from catching "back to school" colds or crud and allergies once fall hits. It is also caffeine free and can be enjoyed any time of the day or evening. If, by chance, you succumb to a cold or are affected by either spring or fall allergies, the properties in this tea can help dry up the mucus in your sinuses, allowing you to feel better faster. This tea also tastes great, as my daughter Amanda will confirm. She enjoys this tea year-round with a little bit of added local honey.
Another herbal tea I recommend is my Well Throat Ayurvedic blend. This blend contains ginger, licorice, fennel, orange peel, marshmallow root, thyme, whole turmeric, mullein flowers, cardamon, and black peppercorns. It helps soothe a dry, aching, or irritated throat. Adding a spoonful of local honey will give your throat a little extra TLC. This tea also has a nice flavor, and the local honey adds just a little sweetness.
Next week I will introduce my teas that help with focus and those that help to calm and relax.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and safe start to the new school year!