🍃🫖 What Do You Drink Your Tea Out Of? 🍶🧊
Posted by Dani Noto on

As the weather warms up, my taste buds go into iced tea overdrive. I find nothing more refreshing than cold iced tea on a hot day. And because I’m a tea snob — yep, I admit it — I prefer to make my own iced tea to enjoy all day.

One of my new summer favorites brewed into iced tea is Honeybush Peach. I can enjoy this caffeine-free tea all day and into the evening or until I’ve drunk it all and it’s gone.

I will make a big batch in my flash chill Takeya Iced Tea Maker and then add some ice cubes to either my Himalayan Tea Tumbler, Everest Tea Tumbler, or Urban Tea Tumbler pour in the tea, and off I go.
So what makes these tumblers so great, and how do I choose which one to use?
Let me preface by saying that all my Tumblers come with their own fine mesh basket strainers and are perfect for either hot or cold tea, depending on which you prefer. For me, the season also plays a part in whether I’m drinking hot or cold tea.
I can also say that all my tumblers have been tested regarding how long they keep tea hot or cold. The Himalayan and Everest will keep your teas hot for 10 hours and cold for 20 hours. I know it sounds crazy right? But I actually time-tested these, and it’s absolutely true. I even went to the extreme of taking them to the beach filled with iced tea. They sat next to me in the sand all day. They still had ice cubes at the end of the day, but sadly no tea as I drank it all 😀.

So the Himalayan Tea Tumbler is the biggest one I have. It holds 32 ounces of tea which is perfect if I know I will be out and about for a good portion of the day and want to stay hydrated. This is a favorite to take on vacation and to the beach too.

The Everest Tea Tumbler will hold 22 ounces and performs just like the Himalayan. I also like that this tumbler sits nicely in the cup holder in my car. It also comes in great colors like red, purple, pink, avocado, and black.

The Urban Tea Tumbler is a heavy-duty glass tumbler with a cork wrap that feels great in your hand. I use it more for hot teas than cold, but it can be easily used for either.

I also have a Cold Brew Sport Bottle that I often use in warmer weather. This gem is the perfect bottle I take when I walk the dogs. No, it’s not for them to drink from 😀 — they have their own bowls. This soft-touch ergonomic bottle has a stainless steel infuser rubber-tipped drinking spout and is lightweight and easy to carry.
All of these bottles also work well for fruit-infused water. Add your favorite fruit or combination of fruits, such as lemon, lime, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, or cucumber, to cold water, and you have a refreshing, healthy beverage to keep you hydrated.
So no matter which bottle you choose, you can’t go wrong. I personally have all four of these at home. Well, the truth be told, I have more than one of each because you just don’t know when you’ll need more than one, right? My husband groans when he looks in the cupboard where they all live, but I catch him using them when he thinks I won’t notice.
So here’s to staying hydrated and enjoying your favorite tea in really great on-the-go tumblers,