🍁 Happy Thanksgiving! ❤️

Posted by Dani Noto on

Uptown Tea Shop - Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish all of you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. I have so many wonderful things to be thankful and grateful for, and having all of you in my life is one of them.

Since I opened Uptown Tea Shop, I’ve been welcomed and received into the tea community with such open arms. One of my true blessings is that I never wake up and dread going to work. I look forward to seeing and chatting with all of you who come into the store and those who connect with me online. Y’all are such fun and share so many beautiful things with me. Stories about yourself, your families, and your lives. Many of you have become more than just customers, making my life so much richer. And, of course, talking about tea just makes things even better.

I’ve shared stories about my husband, kids, dogs, and our lives and traditions, so I hope you feel like you’ve come to know me, too. I want Uptown Tea Shop to be warm and welcoming, making you feel like you’ve come home and that we’re all part of a wonderful family.

This Thanksgiving, I know I’m looking forward to sharing the holiday with my kids, grandchildren, and people who are important to me. At the same time, we enjoy a delicious turkey dinner, the usual sides, and, of course, homemade pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream.

My husband is in charge of the turkey while I handle all the rest, including the tea selection. And yes, I will actually make the pumpkin pie and whipped cream from scratch. Using a hand mixer makes it super easy to make the whipped cream. Just remember to keep the beaters down in the bowl. Otherwise, you may have whipped cream all over you and the kitchen. Ask me how I know this, LOL.

I love continuing the traditions and recipes passed down through the years —thank you, Grandma and Mom — and remembering to give thanks for all I have.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


A Cup of Tea Makes Everything Better!

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