Do You Ever Feel a Little Scattered?
Posted by Dani Noto on

Do you ever feel a little scattered and that there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done?
Well, that’s me today.
My to-do list is overflowing, and I’m having trouble deciding what to do first. Everything is written down, so my head doesn’t explode trying to keep track of things. All the items on the list really need to get done…yeah right…only in a perfect world will that actually happen.
Item #1: Make a cup of tea. That should be easy, right? Nope, what flavor should I enjoy first today? Too many choices in my stash at, this isn’t a bad thing to have a big stash, only on those days when decision making is hard. Solution: pull out the 3 in contending, Organic Rise & Shine Black, Breakfast Cuppa Black, or Organic Ruby Oolong. Open the bags, and sniff them. Still can’t decide. A brainstorm. I’ll have my golden retrievers help me. I open the bags one at a time and offer to let the dogs sniff them. I know, not hygienic, but no one but me will drink this tea. Dogs decided on Organic Rise & Shine Black. Item #1 crossed off my list. Yea!!!
Item #2: Take my fitness walk with Phoebe and Teagan. Item #2 crossed off.
Item #3: Breakfast. Back to making choices...sigh... settled on scrambled eggs and bacon with a cup of Breakfast Cuppa Black. No, the dogs didn’t help with this one even though they offered to taste test the eggs and bacon to make sure they were ok. Item #3 crossed off.
Item #4: Work on projects for the store. Need to concentrate and do one project at a time, not multi-task. In need of an Oolong to help. Settled on Organic Ruby Oolong, yum. Item #4 crossed some of the projects off the list, but not all. Some will carry over till tomorrow...sigh.
Item #5: Lunch. Salad with chicken and a nice glass of iced Decaf Peach Black. Dogs offered to taste the chicken for quality control, but I assured them it was fine. Item #5 crossed off.

Item #6: Back to store projects. Taking pictures for new glass and clay projects. Dogs volunteered to be models in the photos, but I assured them that wasn’t necessary. Sipped on filtered water while working. Pictures taken minus dogs. Item #6 crossed off.
Item #7: Create flyers and promotional materials for classes and events. This is a bigger project and needs to be broken down into pieces. Back to drinking tea — Sunny Lemonade Fruit Tea is calling my name. This project needs to be carried over till the next day since it wasn’t completed.
Item #8: Did I mention this is my day I’m going to meet a friend for a playdate with two of our dogs. Gonna have girl talk and enjoy watching the dogs play.
Item #9: Dinner...reservations...enjoy a nice meal with my husband.
Item #10: Relax with a cup of Decaf Heavenly Hazelnut Black in the evening while I plan my list for tomorrow.
Hopefully, I will feel less scattered tomorrow. But if not, there’s always my list to keep me on track, and my wonderful tea to help me get through...and, best of all, my fabulous customers to enjoy. Life is good!