Green, White, and Red for Breast Cancer Health

Posted by Dani Noto on

Uptown Tea Shop - Premium Loose Leaf Teas and Accessories

October is breast cancer awareness month, and I want to give a huge shout-out to all the warriors and their families who have had to fight against breast cancer.

I don't think I know any family that hasn't been touched in one way or another by someone who has fought against this terrible disease. Grandmother, mother, daughter, aunt, friend, acquaintance, customer, we all know someone who has had breast cancer. Thankfully many have fought and survived, but our hearts go out to those families whose loved ones fought valiantly but still lost their battle.

This battle becomes very personal very quickly. I personally have had two aunts who were survivors, and two of my very good friends are also survivors. My aunts have since passed away of old age, not cancer, and hallelujah, my friends are all over the five-year survivor mark!

When my friends were diagnosed, and thankfully not at the same time, I immediately went into the how can I help mode. Being a shoulder to lean on and cry on and offering unconditional love and support was something I willingly did. Meals were made for their families, kids were chauffeured to sports and activities, and lots of just pitching in where needed. I also supplied a lot of tea to help support their immune systems.

I'm sure many of you have heard that green tea can help fight cancer.

Green tea contains EGCG, the primary polyphenol in green tea that may reduce the risk of breast and other cancers. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants that may prevent cell damage that can lead to cancer. Polyphenols also increase antioxidants which help to boost the immune system. Studies suggest that 3-4 cups of green tea a day can be beneficial.

With my friends, we rotated through the different flavors, from traditional Organic Green Tea to Organic Fit Body Green Tea and to any flavor that sounded appealing to them. The goal was for them to drink as much as possible to help support their immune systems while undergoing treatment.

I also steered them toward White Tea and Rooibos Tea, as these two teas also contain high levels of antioxidants. While not as widely known as green tea, white teas and rooibos teas have many of the same beneficial properties as green tea. My friends enjoyed a variety of flavors, with Jazzy Peach White Tea, Organic Ginger Peach White Tea, Cinnamon Spice Rooibos, Organic Rejuvenate Rooibos, and Sweet Sin Rooibos among their favorites. They drank them either hot or over ice, depending on how they felt.

To this day, my friends still drink green, white, and rooibos or red tea to continue to help support their immune systems. What started out as something they felt they had to do to try and beat cancer became a love affair with tea.

In case you hadn't guessed, I also drink many of these teas myself to stay healthy. I rotate through flavors and types as the mood strikes.

I know you think, "well, that's easy for you; you have a tea store," but I can tell you I had a substantial stash before I had the store, and my husband will confirm that. I've always been of the mindset that I enjoy my favorites, but sometimes when I feel like enjoying something different, that's where the stash comes in. So yes, I encourage people to have a "stash," and you get to decide how big or small that may be.

In closing, I get to say with tears in my eyes that I'm so blessed to still have my warrior friends in my life. They battled and fought, and nothing is sweeter than being able to still laugh with them, hug them and let them know how much they're loved. If you or someone you love is battling now, please know that you have my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

Disclaimer: No information in this newsletter is intended to take the place of your doctor's recommendations. It is for information purposes only, but I do encourage you to do your own research if any of this interests you.

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